
Search results

  1. Pumpkins and Pillbugs Halloween Bug Zoo Bash — Oct. 18

    Wooster Campus. The event will feature the Bug Zoo, reptiles, Halloween crafts, and pumpkin painting. This ...

  2. CES Extension Support Staff Excellence Award

    County Teresa Funk Ag and Natural Resources Lori Moff Mahoning County Jennifer Lindimore Morgan County ... Vicki Myers Extension Operations Wooster Marianne Guthrie Ross County Angela Keshock Columbiana County ...

  3. Escape to the Forest Webinar to Feature the American Sycamore — Sept. 13

    a research update on their work with sycamore trees and discuss the possibilities it has in making sweet ...

  4. Tri-State Digital Ag In-Service Announced

    Ohio State University Extension’s Digital Ag Team is partnering with Michigan State and Purdue ... Extensions, to host a digital agriculture in-service on Sept. 4 at the Northeast Purdue Ag Center in Columbia ... City, Indiana. Topics of the in-service include nutrient management, engaging with farmers for research ...

  5. Response of Soils and Crops to Gypsum Application in Ohio

    S per acre. The farms also received organic fertilizers, such as manure, chicken litter, and fish ... soil and crop biomass is frequently observed with gypsum. Limited research is available to support soil ... and crops to gypsum application on organic farms. Agronomy Journal, 113 (5), 4220–4230. ...

  6. Valuable Habits for Effective Managers and Employees

    habits of successful and effective people, and how they might benefit you as the leader of your farm or ... the research reveals the common and easily replicable habits of effective managers. Effective ... your farm or agribusiness. Change does not come easily, but once a good behavior or best practice ...

  7. Economic Impact of Intel’s Investment in Ohio: Lessons from Chandler, Arizona

    region by drawing on insights from existing economic research. Meanwhile, information and data compiled ... expansion by building two new fabrication facilities in 2021. Phoenix and Columbus share several ... of living and production This article provides a concise summary of recent economic research ...

  8. Women in Agriculture Monthly Webinars

    Wednesday of every month. September’s topic will be keeping personal and farm finances separate. These ...

  9. OSP Office Hours

    The Office of Sponsored Programs and the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education provide ... from the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education with the Zoom link.  ...

  10. Production of Specialty Small Grains in Ohio

    Agricultural Research Station in Wood County, Ohio, to compare soft red winter wheat yield with specialty small ... Research Station in Wood County, Ohio. Winter Small Grains Across the three-year experiment, the standard ... specialty small grains. Agronomic management of specialty small grains in Ohio is an area of research that ...
