
Search results

  1. Hemlock-ed In! From Cleveland’s parks to the Hocking Hills, meet our leaders conserving one of Ohio’s most spectacular evergreen trees

    previously for the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station assisting with research on the impacts of ... research positions at the University of Michigan and the New York Botanical Garden.  She retired as ... Conservation Campus includes facilities and grounds for recreation, environmental education and restoration. ...

  2. Fresh Produce Traceability

    maintained for two years. A farm map must be maintained in the traceability plan. Growers must initiate ...

  3. GAPs Audit Process

    entire farm audited or specific fields (crops) audited.  The cost of an on-farm audit depends on the size ... of the farm and the proximity of the farm to the inspector.  The cost included the auditor's ... the farm). USDA Harmonized GAPs Audit Program In 2018, the USDA and FDA aligned USDA’s voluntary ...

  4. Plastics, we got your number! New circular economy approaches unveiling potential to make a difference

    using these materials. This program, co-hosted with Ohio State’s Facilities Operations and Development, ... Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio Mary Leciejewski, zero waste manager, Facilities Operations and ... colleagues across the university to leverage Ohio State’s core strengths in research, teaching, and using ...

  5. Food Safety Modernization Act

    foundational rules within FSMA:  Preventive Controls for Human Food: Requires that food facilities have safety ... and holding produce on domestic and foreign farms. Final Rule. Foreign Supplier Verification Program: ... auditors to conduct food safety audits and issue certifications of foreign facilities producing food for ...

  6. Open House at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park

    Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park in partnership with Stone Laboratory, the University’s ... Christopher Tonra, and the F.T. Stone Laboratory Associate Director of Academic Programming and Research, Dr. ...

  7. Designing Circular Economy Strategies from within the Textiles and Fashion Industries

    Entrepreneurship and eCornell. Lewis is widely published in journals such as the Clothing and Textiles Research ... Journal, Fashion Practice and the Journal of Textile Design Research and Practice. She has contributed to ... research, writing, speaking, and video production is aimed at understanding the true value of textile and ...

  8. Breakfast with the Birds: Advocacy and Conservation in Urban Green Spaces

    facility including the MOTUS Tower, nanotagging methods to showcase bird banding and explaining research ... networks to connect local observations, populations, and research to national movements in bird ... conservation.  Tour the Grange Insurance Audubon Center’s specific field-based research and learning sites, and ...

  9. Summer Program in Population Health

    Summer Program in Population Health Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Education, Health, and ...

  10. Honoring Ohio's Environment and Celebrating its Champions

    one of Ohio’s landmark research sites for environmental restoration and natural resource management, ... education and research, and research on a 28-acre forested site led by School of Environment and Natural ... specific field-based research and learning sites with SENR research faculty. Participants will learn how ...
