
Search results

  1. Zebrafish Facility Husbandry

    The zebrafish facility has up to 3 student assistant positions available ($13/hour) to join the ... Job Description: The position is an animal care position in the Rightmire Hall Zebrafish Facility on ... cleaning tanks & glassware, organizing & cleaning facility, recording system parameters daily, ...

  2. One Week at Waterman


  3. PhD. Program at TAMU

    program in the Natural Sciences at Texas A&M University. It provides research opportunities in various ... opportunities provided by the Graduate and Professional School, one of which focuses on providing research ...

  4. CAST Conference

    Graduate Students  Poster presentations and oral/slideshow presentations about student research  Networking ...

  5. Ohio State assists Ohio farmers following USDA natural disaster declaration

    CFAES will continue to provide research-based guidance to help them navigate this difficult time.” OSU ... challenging,” said David Marrison, OSU Extension field specialist in farm management. “These USDA assistance ... operating.” Farmers can also access other USDA Farm Service Agency programs, including the Livestock Forage ...

  6. CFAES pioneers agrivoltaics research for sustainable land use

    cropping systems into a 1,034-acre, 180-megawatt utility-scale solar farm.”  The research is divided into ... a utility-scale solar farm, with the potential to apply the research findings at any scale. The U.S. Department of ... Energy sponsors the project through the Foundational Agrivoltaic Research for Megawatt Scale (FARMS ...

  7. Ohio farmers seek energy efficiency amid rising costs

    energy efficiency and renewable energy practices. A deeper understanding of on-farm energy consumption, ... practices to reduce energy costs.  CFAES researchers are seeking to understand electrical demand on ... livestock farms and identify strategies and equipment farmers can use to more efficiently manage energy ...

  8. Get energized Ohio

    You’ll find a variety of research-based information, tools, and programs from OSU Extension’s Energy ... energy trends and critical issues that could impact your home and farm. Energize Ohio offers calculators ...

  9. NSF-funded center to drive development of US natural rubber industry

    only a small number of universities to have led simultaneous awards. OARDC Research Wooster area (Ohio) ... Innovation for Supply Security” (TARDISS) Engineering Research Center (ERC). The first round of funding will ... and research of our outstanding faculty and students through these partnerships,” Ohio State President ...

  10. Pork Prospect Event

    participation in this program in the past. They have reserved time at the Western Agricultural Research Station ...
