
Search results

  1. Special Project Puts Ohio 4-H in Cleveland, Cincinnati Classrooms

    COLUMBUS, Ohio-- When Rob Isner was growing up, he spent summers at his grandparents’ farm in West ... Virginia. “My level of knowledge about farming and agriculture first came from things like bringing in hay ... and just playing on the farm,” Isner said. “I think a lot of things that we internalize as adults come ...

  2. Art of Gardening

    Blooms- Lessons from an organic flower farm with Kay Studer and Susan Studer-King, Owners, Buckeye Blooms ...

  3. Mershon Center Lecture: "Climate, Geography, and the Origins of Economic and Political Institutions"

    courtesy), as well as a senior fellow of both the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and the ...

  4. 18th Annual President and Provost's Diverstiy Lecture and Cultural Arts Series with Kwame Anthony Appiah

    and society, Professor Appiah’s current research centers on the roles of idealization and ideals in ...

  5. Getting Grants: Finding Funding and Planning for Data Management

    researchers in Art, Art Education, Art History, Cinema Studies, Design, and Material and Visual Culture, but ... is open to researchers in all disciplines interested in learning more about formatting and publishing ...

  6. Latin American Experimental Animation Introduced by Lina Aguirre & Cecilia Traslaviña (2008-13)

    Studies, and Latino and Latin American Space for Enrichment and Research (LASER). ...

  7. CD Weekly Wire- March 11, 2013

    still being worked out, but plan for a full day in the Ag Admin Auditorium focused on BuckeyeBox, ... Workshop on April 15 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center (Gehres Room) from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 ... opportunities and challenges through research-based educational programming. For additional information, ...

  8. Export Controls for Departmental Research Administrators

    In this 1.5 hour session geared toward staff, learn about explain export control regulations and discuss how the university’s missions are impacted. Travel, non-citizen personnel involvement, shipping, and sharing of data are among the most common activit ...

  9. CD Weekly Wire- December 16, 2013

    a Research in View (RiV) training; however, techniques to effectively document your accomplishments in RiV ... University’s Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. The event, including lunch, is free, but space is ... 5 at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center. Registration is due January 31. You are invited to ...

  10. Farm Forum no later than noon on Dec. 1. Make checks payable to Greene Co. Farm Forum. ...
