
Search results

  1. Happy New Year from CFAES

    and Horacio Lopez-Nicora, a graduate researcher in plant pathology.  Click here to give to the ...

  2. Holmes County GAPs Class and Water Workshop, MT HOPE

    Join The Ohio State University Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team to learn about on-farm produce ...

  3. Geauga County GAPs Class and Water Workshop, BURTON

    Join The Ohio State University Fruit and Vegetable Safety Team to learn about on-farm produce ...

  4. OSU High Tunnel Workshop, OSU South Centers

    importance of developing a water testing program on the produce farm. All attendees will receive a 50% ...

  5. Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day


  6. Darke County Ag Breakfast


  7. CFAES connection to Ohio forestry chronicled in new exhibit

    land-grant institution, Ohio State has been able to foster forestry research, share that knowledge with our ...

  8. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Gallia County

    industry stakeholders on Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wednesday, August 13, ...

  9. OSUE Annual Conference

    and broaden their knowledge of the scholarship of Extension work and university research. Build ... relationships between Extension professionals and university faculty to foster expanded applied research ... cutting-edge research. Recognition of outstanding work of Extension colleagues and the contribution of ...

  10. Celebrating the Campaign

    teaching, research and outreach. In 2014, the estates of Geraldine and Arthur Winfough Jr. committed a $2.8 ... scholarship, research and community outreach. Also, you can still participate in the campaign with a donation. ...
