
Search results

  1. Professor Elena Irwin Participates in “Rethinking Global Land Use in an Urban Era” at the Ernst Strüngmann Forum in Frankfurt, Germany

    communities. Through the Forum, the researchers are given an opportunity to discuss and develop future visions ... for land use research. The Forum aims to give researchers space to engage on the following topics: ... in the group focused on finite land resources and competition due to her extensive research in this ...

  2. A Day in the Life: Daniel Crown, PhD Student and ERS Intern

    spending the summer as an intern at USDA's Economic Research Service (ERS) in Washington D.C. A native ...

  3. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Putnam County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Putnam ...

  4. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Defiance County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Defiance ...

  5. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Erie County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Erie County ...

  6. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Mercer County

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. Mercer ...

  7. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference Series- Dean's Preview Meeting

    issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment.  The series ...

  8. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Monroe/Belmont County

    agricultural practices (GAPs) and on farm food safety.  April 15, 1:00-4:00PM Somerton Fire Hall, 55717 ...

  9. Environmental Policy Initiative Summer 2013 Research Grant Award Winners

    Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics (AEDE), offers a yearly summer research ... examine through the analysis of housing data. Some questions she seeks to answer in her research include: ... Environmental Sciences’ Environmental Graduate Research Fellowship Program Award. Ranjan, who specializes in ...

  10. Post-award Grant/Contract Management Workshop

    May 19, 2016 10:00- 11:30 am Research Services 130 Please join us for Post-Award Grant/Contract ...
