
Search results

  1. Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative Conference

    researchers, practitioners and students working together to promote the reduction and redirection of food ... waste. His research on food waste examines consumer behavior and attitudes about discarding food. Food ... the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, on the university’s Columbus ...

  2. Corn Stalks Can Stretch Feed Supplies

    of corn (56 lb. per bushel) there is about 45 pounds of residue on a dry matter (DM) basis.  Research ... a diet of approximately 6% crude protein and 50 to 55% TDN. University of Nebraska research suggests that ...

  3. Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink

    reminders of ways in which feed shrink occurs on the farm and some management options to reduce that loss. ... mixing errors. Concentrate commodities shrink in many ways from the time they arrive at the farm until ... they are eaten by your cows. The cost of shrink on your farm can add up quickly.   Typical shrink ...

  4. Spring Cleaning

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  5. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms.  Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling.  If a person is located below ...

  6. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms.  Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling.  If a person is located below ...

  7. Grain Harvest Considerations

    yield losses that can accompany delayed harvest? According to researchers at Iowa State University, it ... drying systems have an electricity expense as well.  Iowa State University researchers use a figure of ...

  8. 2015 Farm Outlook Meeting

    Program Topics: Grain Market Outlook Farm Production Economics Farm Policy & 2014 Farm Bill ...

  9. Farm Forum Meeting

           The Feb. 23 Greene Co. Farm Forum meeting will focus on farm safety and will include a tour ... of the New Jasper Fire Dept.?s Farm Rescue Trailer and Grain Rescue Equipment. Those wanting to eat ... by Greene Co. Farm Forum and OSU Ext. Greene Co.   ...

  10. Join 4-H in 2019!

    Youth Development Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related ...
