
Search results

  1. Identifying and Managing Feed Shrink

    reminders of ways in which feed shrink occurs on the farm and some management options to reduce that loss. ... mixing errors. Concentrate commodities shrink in many ways from the time they arrive at the farm until ... they are eaten by your cows. The cost of shrink on your farm can add up quickly.   Typical shrink ...

  2. ATI student tapped for pork industry Social Forces team

    channels available to them, they each have an opportunity to share their passion for pig farming with their ...

  3. Grain Bin Storage Preparation

    and storage facility.   Once storage structures have been thoroughly cleaned, carefully inspect them ...

  4. Manure Gases Pose Safety Risks

    hauled and applied to fields.  Farmers, farm workers and custom operators all need to be aware of the ...

  5. Manure Gases Pose Safety Risks

    hauled and applied to fields.  Farmers, farm workers and custom operators all need to be aware of the ...

  6. Agriculture and Natural Resources Tax Webinar and Workshop

    Farmers, farm representatives and rural landowners can learn more about the special issues with ... farm tax returns during a daylong tax webinar and workshop Dec. 14 hosted by the College of Food, ... income tax on farm transfers will be discussed during the workshop, which focuses on issues specific to ...

  7. Shawna Rene Jackson

    Cibik of Brunswick, Virginia Baker of Creston and Lynnette and Mike Green of Wooster; two nieces and two ...

  8. 4-H Grows True Leaders

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  9. Forage Management and TMR sampling

    Sampling Protocol             Total mixed rations (TMR) are commonly used on dairy farms to deliver an ... sampling error.  Research done by Dr. Weiss resulted in the following TMR sampling protocol recommendation: ...

  10. COMPSTDS 2301 World Literature Fischer

    let's find some poetry. Use the names/titles from your background research. 1. Poetry Foundation 2. ...
