
Search results

  1. Energy and Environment

    partners include OSU researchers, Extension educators and specialists, Master Gardener and Certified ...

  2. CRAE 2013: OARDC Guest Speaker

    Their Significance for Research and Policy, by Linda Lobao, The Ohio State University ...

  3. An Analysis of the Effect of Federal and State Energy Efficiency Regulations on Past and Future Ohio Carbon Emissions

    reducing carbon emissions in Ohio. In our research, we found that renewable energy laws are remarkably ...

  4. CFFPI

    pioneering new farm to school strategies, developing model zoning ordinances, conducting healthy corner ... Innovative Process for Addressing Farming and Farmland Viability: Clark County, Ohio" SRI Report 09-05 ... "Exurban Farming in the Current Market: Past Effects, Future Possibilities” Prepared for the Baldwin Center ...

  5. #AskAg Twitter Chat on Agricultural Higher Education Featuring David Kraybill

    AEDE’s Professor David Kraybill, Project Manager of the Innovative Agricultural Research ... the Office of International Research, Education and Development at Virginia Tech and David Kraybill ...

  6. Agricultural Policy and Outlook Conference- Attica, Ohio

    communities on policy changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, ...

  7. Agricultural Outlook and Policy Conference- Bellevue, Ohio

    key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment. ...

  8. A New Mix of Private and Public: How Well Might the U.S. Food Safety Modernization Act Work?

    of the AEDE Applied Economics Seminar Series. Her presentation will focus on her recent research ...

  9. Environmental Policy Initiative Launches Summer Grant Competition

    Sohngen, launched its Summer 2014 grant competition today.   The program offers research grants for Ohio ...

  10. International Trade Economist: Trans-Pacific Partnership Would Boost U.S Agriculture

    under TPP. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service estimates that TPP will result ... nonprofit and nonpartisan research institute, estimates that under TPP, $225 billion will be added to global ...
