
Search results

  1. Protect Your Back as Spring Planting Continues

    farm until an injury has occurred. Often individuals continue working in spite of pain. With an endless ...

  2. Ohio 4-H News and Notes

    Books– Tom Archer/Jane Wright o   Farm Themed Summer Camp & Club Activities & Ideas – Rob Isner ... How Research Project Can Boost Your Vita – Mark Light/Hedrick, Jeff Dick o   Camp Craft Ideas Without ...

  3. Farming and Gardening with Chronic Pain: Strategies for Managing Your Pain

    Laura Akgerman – Disability Services Coordinator for Ohio AgrAbility: Chronic pain is common among farmers and gardeners because of the physical nature of their work. Pushing, pulling, lifting, carrying, and walking can all aggravate existing conditions, ...

  4. Economy and Employment

    services Supporting the development of incubator training and businesses start-up farms targeting ...

  5. 4-H Week

    opportunities that exist to give.  4-H Foundation Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center County Endowments ...

  6. Applications for Water First for Thirst Teen Leadership Board Due

    leadership board youth will attend the very first WFFT curriculum training at Nationwide & Ohio Farm ...

  7. About (for homepage banner)

    extension programming and agricultural safety and health research. ...

  8. 11/1/16- 4-H In-Service Poster Presentation Application

    Impact Area Please provide an abstract describing your poster and any applicable research (250 Words): ...

  9. Ag Safety and Health Video Resources has agricultural safety and health videos available on their website that can be very useful for agricultural producers, agricultural educators, agricultural safety and health professionals, and Cooperative Extension personnel. The videos ca ...

  10. Ohio 4-H'ers Experience Presidential Inauguration

    One left from the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center in Columbus and the other left from Cleveland, ...
