
Search results

  1. Ibram X. Kendi on "How to Be an Antiracist"

    Research. He is a columnist at The Atlantic and a correspondent with CBS News. He is the author of five ...

  2. 2019 Harvest from Connecticut to Minnesota "difficult" growing season, with one exception: Ohio!

    across the board.” Diane Kinney, research assistant, and Dr. Imed Dami, professor of horticulture and ...

  3. 2020 Year In Review


  4. Digital Activism

    donations. The donation amount was transformative for the association, allowing it to invest in research and ... known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) research. The challenge went viral on social media, in part due to its ... co-founder Alicia Garza, following the murder of Trayvon Martin. According to the Pew Research Center,  the ...

  5. Managing Motivation as a Student in the Time of COVID-19

    In 2015 he received his Ph.D. in entomology from Cornell University where he researched the role of ...

  6. Farming for Justice: Fair Food in the Time of COVID-19 with The Coalition of Immokalee Workers

    The Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) is a worker-based human rights organization internationally recognized for its achievements in fighting human trafficking and gender-based violence at work. This fall, farmworker leaders of the CIW are travelling v ...

  7. Farming For Justice- Unpacking Race and Disability Injustices on the Land

    Everyone, regardless of their race or ability, should have access to natural spaces that are safe and affirming. However, racism and ableism impacts people’s ability to connect with the land in various ways. It is critical that we use an intersectional le ...

  8. Grape Group Alumni

    Program, Horticulture and Crop Science under Dr. Imed Dami Current Position:  Graduate Research Associate, ...

  9. Drift Happens!

    Location:   OARDC Wooster, FABE building #5,  Conference Room 200       ...

  10. OARDC-Wooster July 2020 Vineyard Update

