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  1. How climate change has cost U.S. soybean growers $11 billion, and what can be done about it

    Researchers have determined that precipitation and temperature variations over the past 20 years ...

  2. Environmental Science Student Symposium Is Wednesday at Ohio State

    Weaver environmental research ...

  3. Graduate student conducts research on rabies transmission in Ethiopa as a part of One Health

    in a research mission to Ethiopia this past summer as a part of the  One Health Initiative. Laura and ... happy. Gondar was where we spent most of our time. This is a rural town in the highlands where farming ... containers. Most significant to our research project was the fact that dogs were everywhere! The dog, or ...

  4. How to grow grass even greener

    Facing Bees: OSU Research and What Can Be Done to Improve the Situation.” To contact the sources: Joe ...

  5. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    many gloves are now made,” said Katrina Cornish, Ohio Research Scholar and endowed chair in bioemergent ...

  6. Fertility Management of Meadows and Pastures

    lb/acre). Potassium soil levels should be 125 to 200 ppm (250 to 400 lb/acre). On many livestock farms that ...

  7. Where to Test Forages for Nitrates.

    farms now considering early harvest of drought-stricken corn for silage to salvage some value from the ...

  8. Dairy Policy and Milk Marketing

    will be another very good year for milk prices and dairy farm income. Price enhancing factors: First, ... repeating. The number one policy issue facing dairy farm families in the Mideast Federal Order is that of ...

  9. Milk and Dairy Product Production Climbs- What's Down the Road for Milk Prices?

    resources necessary to address the surge in US milk production that is beginning to depress farm ... can apply for MILC at local Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices and online at: ...

  10. The Safety of Insulin-Like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I)

    (Collier et al., 1991). In this survey of 100 bulk tanks from farms not utilizing exogenous somatotropin ... various internet sites. In addition, the effect of farm, parity, and stage of lactation have a greater ...
