
Search results

  1. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 2

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  2. Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse- Session 1

    person and $25 for each additional family/farm member (College, FFA/4-H students can register for $15 ...

  3. CFAES faculty and students receive more than $70,000 for international research

    research and the development of new education abroad programs. The grant competition, with separate tracks ... International Affairs, the Office of Research, PHPID, the Office of Undergraduate Education and the China ... Sciences (CFAES) together received more than $70,000 to engage in international research in eight different ...

  4. Ohio Maple Days

    (FSMA) and Ohio Department of Ag Updates:  The Food Safety Modernization Act contains a mandatory ...

  5. Ohio Maple Days

    Ohio Department of Ag Updates:  The Food Safety Modernization Act contains a mandatory requirement for ...

  6. Ohio Maple Days

    Featured topics include: Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) and Ohio Department of Ag Updates: The Food ...

  7. 4-H News and Notes: December 21, 2016

    Building in downtown Wooster, not the fairgrounds as announced in November/December Link newsletter) 2017 ...

  8. Sprayer Preparation and Calibration

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  9. Family Meals

    basis.  This morning however, was a video about some research in Australia, asking families who they would ... reasons to make family meals a priority from additional research. Kids might learn to like more foods, ...

  10. Warm Season Annual Grasses

    the two-inch soil temperature is 75 degrees according to the Wooster OARDC weather station.  Plant ...
