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  1. Yellow Pie Plate Research Helps Families Resolve Heirloom Conflict

    It’s a research project that is based on the challenge from 2 grandchildren who both wanted “Grandma’s ... had valid reasons and memories with a simple dish. Research project offers guidance on how to resolve ... giver of the items assists in making this decision, research shows that relationships are more likely to ...

  2. Warm Temps Prompt Early Grazing, Soil Tests May Help

    CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For ...

  3. OSU Study: Kindness Can Help Fight Depression & Anxiety

    study conducted by researchers at The Ohio State University shows that doing kind things for other ... people can help you fight feelings of depression and anxiety. The research team of David Cregg and ... Cregg, who led the research as part of his doctoral dissertation in psychology at OSU, added that acts of ...

  4. Tending To Little House Chores Can Make Big Difference As Homes Age

    Sciences Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722 or CFAES provides research and related ...

  5. Selling Livestock Direct To Consumers?

    you are recovering your costs associated with production and making sure that your farm is profitable. ... from day one on your farm. Only after knowing your cost of production can you accurately look at what ... 330-264-8722 or CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  6. Specialty Crop Grower's Roundtable- Feb 4, 2019

    Join fellow commercial fruit, vegetable, and herb growers for discussions, farm ... Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691. What and Why: Fruit, vegetable, and herb production, especially for ... local-regional markets, is difficult. Input from other growers and research-extension personnel can help. Come to ...

  7. Follow the Road of Caution When Traveling During Harvest Season

    In Wayne County and many other counties in Ohio we are starting to notice lots of farming ... now would be a good time to go over some farming safety tips for farm machine operators and for ... during harvest. Most farm equipment speed is between 25-40 mph, therefore when you come across machinery ...

  8. Early Grazing Can Mean Pasture Problems CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...

  9. Consider Using Tax Refund As A Safety net For Later In The Year

    I was at a meeting recently where some interesting research was shared.  In essence, Duke ... CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory ...

  10. Keys To Living Your Best Life Are As Simple As Wise Choices

    Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722 or CFAES provides research and related ...
