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  1. Data Management Plan (DMP) Tool Workshop

    a researcher's grant proposal.  In this session, we will discuss the information that researchers should dbe ... management plans with the online DMPTool, which walks researchers through a funding agency's specific ...

  2. Another Cantaloupe outbreak

    FDA has named an Indiana Cantaloupe Farm in the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak that has made 178 ... people in 21 states ill.  There have been 62 hospitalizations and 2 reported deaths. Chamberlain Farms in ...

  3. LabArchives Professional Edition Overview

    enhance research productivity and data integrity. Identify resources available to support LabArchives ...

  4. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Washington County

    reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...

  5. GAPs 3-Hour Training: Athens County

    reduce the risk of on-farm produce contamination and includes the following topics: •Food Safety ...

  6. Agronomy

    OSU researchers, faculty, extension specialist and extension educators. For ease of use, below you ... Farm Enterprise Budgets Soybean and Small Grain Agronomy Program Wheat Head Scab Forecasting System ...

  7. Land As Your Legacy

    land and farm they cherish. ...

  8. Chow Line: “Raw” Water Trend Can Make You Sick

    research arms, OSU Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. Send questions to ...

  9. Animal Subjects, Biosafety and Grants

    Staff in the Office of Responsible Research Practices will talk about federal regulations and ...

  10. Waste not, want not? Examining ways to minimize food losses

    the vindicated fruit still faces challenges on its way from farm to plate. Pests, disease, weather or ... than enough food produced to feed everyone in the United States. But from farm to fork to landfill, an ...
