
Search results

  1. Date and Location Change: Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Montgomery County

    produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wed. May 28, ...

  2. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Muskingum County

    produce industry stakeholders on good agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety.  Wed. April ...

  3. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Fairfield County

    agricultural practices (GAPs) and on-farm food safety to produce growers and industry stakeholders. Tuesday, ...

  4. GAPS Training: Monroe County

    PRACTICES Training for food safety on the farm. TIME: 1:00- 4:00 pm Location: Summerton Fire Department ...

  5. Ag Outlook and Policy Meeting


  6. Farm Forum Meeting

    of Greene Co. Farm Forum. The meeting will be held at Union United Methodist Church, 393 Washington ...

  7. Discussion Panel on Facilities and Administrative Costs

    In this session, Ohio State’s Director of Financial Reporting Tom Ewing and the Director of Sponsored Programs Christine Hamble will discuss and answer your questions about indirect costs at Ohio State.  They will cover how the University goes about calcu ...

  8. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), Cuyahoga County

    on the farm.  April 7, 6:00PM-9:00PM Pre-Registration Required, $20.00 Per Person Cuyahoga County ...

  9. Managing Dairy Cow Heat Stress

    humidity. Research has shown that high producing dairy cows (>77 lbs. of milk/day) start to decrease milk ... 45% relative humidity or a temperature of 80 F with no humidity both produce a THI of 68.  Research ...

  10. Save the Date! Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists State Conference 2016

    provide examples of research through citizen science. OCVNs Herb Broda and Janet Ellsworth will be ...
