
Search results

  1. Scout Soybeans for Spider Mites

              On a recent Extension ag crop team conference call, OSU Extension crop entomologists ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- August 27, 2012

    efforts. Produced in partnership with others from Ohio Department of Agriculture, Ohio Farm Bureau, Ohio ... go to Needed: Materials and ... Wagner, senior vice president for global research and development at Starbucks Coffee will deliver the ...

  3. You're Invited: CFAES Alumni Awards

    BS (1964) Wooster, OH   Distinguished Alumni Award James Beard, BS (1957) College Station, TX Ian ...

  4. Niblack Begins as CFAES Acting Senior Associate Dean

    research and outreach career that has prepared her for this role. In 2011, she joined Ohio State as ... professor and chairperson of the department and has maintained an active teaching, research and outreach ... laboratory and has continued research and extension efforts with colleagues in Ohio and throughout the ...

  5. Wooster Science Cafe: What Motivates Environmentally-Responsible Behavior?- Wooster, Ohio

    Lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English!  Doug Jackson-Smith will present on this evening's topic. ...

  6. Wooster Science Cafe: Superbugs- Multidrug Resistant Pathogens- Wooster, Ohio

    Lively conversation and insights on current science topics- all in plain English!  Gireesh Rajashekara will present on this evening's topic. ...

  7. Consider Temperament When Making Culling Decisions

    that used a total of 210 feeder cattle consigned by 19 producers in a “Farm to Feedlot” program to ...

  8. Week of the Young Child Strengthening Families

    spend together and research that I’ve recently read emphasizes that spending quality time together is ...

  9. Turning Egg Shells and Tomato Peels into Tires

    panel responsible for advising the federal Biomass Research and Development Initiative that will advise ...

  10. Two CFAES Research Teams Creating Startups

    Two teams led by CFAES faculty decided to create startup companies based on research they have ... Katrina Cornish, Endowed Chair and Ohio Research Scholar, Bioemergent Materials, in the Department of ...
