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  1. News: Trio Grant Helps Boost Student Success

    to the right person for their needs, before they leave Wooster.” Program Excel boasts an excellent ...

  2. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    Agricultural Practices or 'GAPs' to educate growers about on-farm produce safety. This class will be ...

  3. Should Customers Fall For Panera's New Gimmick? Food Scientists Weigh In

    destroy 15 of the seemingly yucky chemicals from the picturesque Baguette Falls, Crisp Valley Farm and ...

  4. FST Major Tommy Haufe's Student Blog

    research. To read about his experience:  ...

  5. Tapping into the Subconscious: New Sensory Science Lab to Explore Mysteries of Flavor, Aroma, Appetite

    FST Assistant Professor of Sensory Science, Chris Simons talks about his research and his sensory ...

  6. Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) Class

    on Good Agricultural Practices or 'GAPs' to educate produce growers on on-farm produce ...

  7. OSU hosts International Nonthermal Processing Workshop

    opportunities for public-private partnership for advancing nonthermal processing research, information and ... nonthermal processing and research needs in nonthermal processing. The workshop was co-sponsored by IFT ...

  8. Ohio a hub for bacteria-killing, high-pressure food processing

    high-pressure-processing equipment companies in the world is based in Cincinnati; Ohio State has devoted a research team to ...

  9. Plagiarism Help

    purchasing a research paper and putting their own name on it Instructors who believe that a student has ...

  10. Got Concerns? Dairy Scholar Extols Nutritional Virtues of Milk

    to dairy by products, he said. Among his current research initiatives is an examination of the “fresh ... working on a proposal to investigate high-pressure homogenization as well. While the research is ...
