
Search results

  1. Corn Stalks Can Stretch Feed Supplies

    of corn (56 lb. per bushel) there is about 45 pounds of residue on a dry matter (DM) basis.  Research ... a diet of approximately 6% crude protein and 50 to 55% TDN. University of Nebraska research suggests that ...

  2. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms.  Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling.  If a person is located below ...

  3. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms.  Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling.  If a person is located below ...

  4. Spring Cleaning

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  5. Grain Harvest Considerations

    yield losses that can accompany delayed harvest? According to researchers at Iowa State University, it ... drying systems have an electricity expense as well.  Iowa State University researchers use a figure of ...

  6. Join 4-H in 2019!

    Youth Development Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related ...

  7. The Fair Buzz

    employers say “I look to see if the applicant has FFA or 4-H experience, or was raised on a farm” indicating ...

  8. Annual Forages for Early to Mid-Summer Planting

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  9. Livestock Need Good Quality Drinking Water

    quality of that water.  A lactating dairy cow has the highest daily water requirement of any of our farm ... and teats, but research in Pennsylvania on over 200 dairy herds was not able to show a correlation ...

  10. Late Season Wheat and Barley Disease Management

    Schaffter farm Pierce Paul, OSU Extension small grain and corn pathology specialist, provided some excellent ...
