
Search results

  1. Key To Corn Success Is Getting It In The Ground Properly

    our programs, or if you would like to collaborate with OSU Extension for an on-farm research project, ... About 15 years ago I had the chance to attend a session of the Farm Journal’s Corn College out in ... recommendations when using seed-applied insecticides. Looking for farmers to help with research In other news, we ...

  2. OSP Offers Weekly Office Hours for Extension Professionals

    The Office of Sponsored Programs and the CFAES Office for Research and Graduate Education provide ...

  3. For Those Who Need To Scout Weevil, Here's How To Do It

    CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For ...

  4. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Offers Workshops

    CFAES is committed to ensuring that all of its research and related educational programming are ...

  5. CFAES Awards Ceremony and State of the College Address – April 5

    address. The events will be in-person on the Columbus campus in the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H ... Center. A watch party will be held on the Wooster campus and a live-streaming option will be available. If ...

  6. Insurance

    indemnification provision in contracts. [See AG Opinion No. 96-060]  Additional  Indemnification Information ... for other purposes such as dissertation research, lab or field studies, conference attendance or ...

  7. Court bans spray used on soybean, cotton crops

    provided information in the Ohio Ag Law Blog which can be found at No matter what crop, ... 2:00 PM.  Frank Becker will be hosting a session of Weeds University at the Buckeye Ag Museum on ... for grains, beef cattle and milk, and insurance products.  The program is sponsored by Farm Credit, ...

  8. Solar Eclipse Information and Viewing Guidelines

    approval logo can be counterfeited. Activities taking place on OSU Wooster Campus include the Bug Zoo and ... exhibits from campus researchers.  Our office will be closed for the day as our staff will be at there as ... well. You can check out the details at or give us ...

  9. Minding the Brand Initiative Announced

    promotional pieces for the programs you lead, the research you conduct, and the publications you create. There ...

  10. Farmers: Focus On Small Grain Silage Harvested, Stored Properly

    stressing the importance of a sound herd health program and greater attentiveness to on-farm biosecurity.  ...
