
Search results

  1. 2014

    or insertions. Virus Research 179: 247-250 Baysal-Gurel, F, Subedi, N, Mamiro, D, and Miller, SA. ...

  2. Head Scab Risk Assessment Tool

    Researchers at Ohio State, Penn State, and Kansas State have developed a web-based model to predict the risk ...

  3. 2012 Western ARS Agronomy Field Day

    – Western Agricultural Research Station. Pre-registration required. http ...

  4. Economy and Employment

    services Supporting the development of incubator training and businesses start-up farms targeting ...

  5. Publications 2010-2011

    biopesticides that may be used in organic farming.  eXtension: Raudales, R. C. ... may be used in organic farming.  eXtension: ...

  6. Meet the New Dean in Wooster

    Come to the Fisher North Exhibit Area and meet the new Dean, Dr. Cathann Kress. Light refreshments will be provided. ...

  7. Boehm Lab

    turfgrass pathology subjects. Dr. Angela Orshinsky Postdoctoral Researcher (2010-2012) Hometown: Fenwick, ... research investigated the effect of a mitochondrial virus, Ophiostoma mitovirus 3a on the physiology of the ... Researcher Hometown: Bangalore, India Ph.D., Microbiology, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology ...

  8. Awards

    $800 for each recipient, recognizes high achievement in research and service to the department. ... Anco's research, under the guidance of advisors Mike Ellis and Larry Madden, centers on the epidemiology ... sporulation of Phomopsis viticola on infected grape vines. The overall objective of his research is to improve ...

  9. Nematodes

    insecticides, and continuous corn without crop rotation.  Researchers are providing critically-needed research ... Unnecessary chemical use could also harm communities of beneficial nematodes in corn fields. Response Research ... fields and may be responsible for yield losses under current practices.  Very little research has been ...

  10. Lab News

    C.C. Allison Award for excellence in graduate research and service to the department.  Salgado is ... Research, which is awarded for best paper by a doctoral student in 2011.  The paper was also ...
