
Search results

  1. Celebrate Fathers

    research says that fathers who are more involved in infant care-giving have infants with greater cognitive ... development at one year of age than fathers who are less involved in infant care-giving.  Another researcher ... ability and a sense of being in charge of his/her fate. Research documents many important aspects of ...

  2. Ohio Sheep Shearing School

    Shearing School on Friday and Saturday, Sept. 18-19, from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Dave Cable Farm, 10491 Canal ...

  3. Stockpile Forage to Reduce Stored Feed Costs

    Resources Educator and may be reached at 330-264-8722. CFAES provides research and related educational ...

  4. Family Farm Business Meetings Important

              The take home message is that passing on the family farm business begins with regular, consistent, ... farm business meetings.            Successful family business meetings don’t just happen; they take ... information needs to be presented?  Is this a meeting to discuss farm business such as crop rotation, ...

  5. Determining a Corn Nitrogen Rate

    further, there is multiple year research in Ohio and other corn belt states that shows there is very little ... certification training, you might remember in the nitrogen unit I show research results where 160 to 180 ...

  6. 4-H Camps Welcome All Wayne County Youth

    Wooster Campus.  This year’s theme is Critter Camp and will feature many fun hands-on science activities ...

  7. Beef Cattle Marketing Expectations

    market is audits.  Audits involve a non-biased third party coming on to the farm and checking off the ... farm production system against some kind of standard.   While audits are the expectation of some ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: April 15, 2016

    Wooster-   April 20th  and  April 28th  (Special Discounts Available) Kelleys Island 4-H Teen Retreat- ...

  9. Beef School Webinar Series

    Research Professor, The Ohio State University Department of Animal Sciences, will be the featured on ... decisions the cow-calf manager makes? Does an end-user focused cow herd work on the farm? What opportunities ...

  10. Entrepreneurial Innovation

    services; processes and communications with internal and external audiences; research and digital ...
