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  1. Hops Pre-Harvest Field Night

    and weather dependent”. This event will also showcase the newest research and hops production ...

  2. Orchard Sprayer Field Day

    CPS: Dave O’Brien, Columbus Irrigation, Sterling Farm Equipment, Miller Chemical, Farmers National ... Bank, Wayne Savings Community Bank, Farm Credit Mid-America, Farmers State Bank, Fred’s Water Service ...

  3. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop

    Ohio vineyards. The workshops will be held at the Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station (Kingsville, ...

  4. Wine Grape Disease, Insect and Weed Diagnostic Workshop

    Ohio vineyards. The workshops will be held at the Ashtabula Agricultural Research Station (Kingsville, ...

  5. Ohio State Student Wins National Black Farmers Scholarship

    black-owned farms have been a major issue for well over 100 years,” said John Boyd Jr., president of ... the National Black Farmers Association. “In 1910, nearly 1 million black farm families owned over 15 million ... acres of land. Today, less than 45,000 black farm families own 3 million acres. The NBFA Scholarship ...

  6. Studying Bacteria that Follow the Earth's Magnetic Field

    bacteria as “guys,” a casual term for his research subjects, probably because he’s been studying and ... researchers also want to control how fast magnetic bacteria swim from one point to another, using their ... novel magnetic bacteria-powered-micro-machines is still in the research and development phase, their ...

  7. Herbicide Rotation Key in the War Against Weeds

    of your farming career a lot less fun and a lot more expensive,” said Mark Loux, a weed specialist ... were fed contaminated cottonseed products from the South, as well as through farm equipment previously ...

  8. Contact Us

        Have questions? Your local OSU Extension office has resources to answer farm, garden, home, ...

  9. OARDC annual conference spotlights water quality

    OARDC’s 2015 Annual Research Conference, which took place April 16 in Columbus, featured 11 ... OARDC’s 2015 annual research conference. “I’ve been talking about water for a long time,” said McPheron, ... Grant, the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, and Ohio State’s Office of Research and School of ...

  10. Agunga Recognized for leadership and support of CFAES students

    pictured, who recently received Ohio State’s 2016 Distinguished Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, one of ... He also is the director of Ohio State’s Center for African Studies. The Undergraduate Research Office ...
