
Search results

  1. American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Ohio Chapter Annual Meeting

    The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Ohio Chapter, will hold their annual ...

  2. The Ohio Seed Improvement Association's 78th Annual Professional Seed Grower's School/Annual Meeting- Matthew C. Roberts to Speak

    present "How much will farm land sell for?" To learn more, please see the event program. To ...

  3. How climate change has cost U.S. soybean growers $11 billion, and what can be done about it

    Researchers have determined that precipitation and temperature variations over the past 20 years ...

  4. Analysis: Ohio’s School Choice Programs Growing, Deserve Public’s Attention

    research, teaching and outreach within the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences.  In ... Research’ In addition to an analysis of school choice programs in Ohio, the policy brief also provides an ... research regarding school choice,” Rembert said. “Economists have taken that data and are looking at these ...

  5. Lecture Series

    faculty, students and farm clientele in a number of formats. Following is a list of VanBuren Lectures given ... with Precision Farming Technologies. May 3-4, 2000 Dr. Marshall A. Martin, Professor of Agricultural ...

  6. Wood County Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the ...

  7. Darke and Montgomery Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    policy changes, key issues, and market behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the ...

  8. Erie, Huron, Sandusky and Seneca Counties Agricultural Policy and Outlook Meeting

    behavior with respect to farm, food, energy resources, and the environment.  Overview briefs and ...

  9. How to grow grass even greener

    Facing Bees: OSU Research and What Can Be Done to Improve the Situation.” To contact the sources: Joe ...

  10. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    many gloves are now made,” said Katrina Cornish, Ohio Research Scholar and endowed chair in bioemergent ...
