
Search results

  1. CFAES facility in southern Ohio celebrates 25 years

    scientists conducting world-class agricultural research, and area entrepreneurs have thrived thanks to ... Ohio State University South Centers first opened its doors. Then known as the Piketon Research and ... Extension Center, the facility was designed to help Ohio State expand its land-grant mission of providing ...

  2. India Gateway

    including education abroad, joint research, and industry linkages in that areas of ag engineering, food ... University (PAU). Major inputs were made to the initial curriculum development, applied research activities ... Initiative in Agriculture focused on Water Management – On farm water management for rain fed agriculture ...

  3. Peace Corps Environment Programs: CFAES Faculty share their Volunteer Experiences

    where he is also a faculty member of the Sustainability Institute. His research and teaching focus on ... her agency coworkers in researching, writing and presenting different types of environmental ... in the area of soil and environmental mineralogy with a focus on carbon permanence. His research ...

  4. Food Preservation

    vegetables Reliable, research-backed resources from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, OSU Extension, and ...

  5. OSU Extension offices throughout Ohio will implement teleworking options for staff amid current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak concerns

    State University’s decision earlier this week to close university buildings and facilities on all of its ... services; facility utilities; and a few others).  While our physical offices will be closed, we are ... or email as usual. Reopening of any county office facilities will depend on decisions from the ...

  6. Backyard Critters- Poultry, Rabbits, and More

    Agriculture as well. Trevor has an extensive farming background and knowledge to translate his experience in ...

  7. ACEL, AEDE Faculty Assess, Evaluate Navajo Nation’s Water Security

    research and are pictured chatting with Mary after visiting new water points in the community.   Jason ...

  8. Resources

    Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES-USDA) in 2000 as a multi-institutional effort with The ...

  9. Rhonda Billman

    Rhonda Billman Assistant Director, Wooster Campus 209 B Research Services 330-263-3660 ...

  10. Dr. Brian Raison

    targeted research-based programming and facilitation.  His specialization areas are in Community & ...
