
Search results

  1. Pi and Publishing

    Celebrate Pi Day by enjoying some pie and learning about scholarly publishing at the Wooster ...

  2. Open Student Dialogue on Qualitative Methodologies

    qualitative approaches in their research, work, or independent projects. The primary focus of this session ... completing, and reviewing qualitative research. Information and ideas shared in this session will be used to ...

  3. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI)

    styles of others. This workshop is offered online, at our facility, and as a traveling workshop.  Please ... in having our facilitators conduct this workshop at your facility, please contact Beth Flynn for more ...

  4. Applying Your Personality Type to Build Your Leadership Skills (MBTI)

    styles of others. This workshop is offered online, at our facility, and as a traveling workshop.  Please ... in having our facilitators conduct this workshop at your facility, please contact Beth Flynn for more ...

  5. Funding Opportunities

    research interests. For questions regarding the SPIN database, including help identifying appropriate ... alerts. Watch a recorded webinar on how to use the system here. Alumni Grants for Graduate Research and ... Scholarship The Alumni grants for Graduate Research and Scholarship (AGGRS)  provide up to $2000 for ...

  6. SACNASxNSF: NSF Insights on Fellowships, Internships, and Funding STEM Pathways

    This webinar specifically focuses on research and professional development opportunities for ... internships through programs such as the Graduate Research Fellow Program, NSF INTERN, and AAAS. Panelists: ...

  7. GAPs Training Webinar

    GAPs. GAPs trainings provide growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement on farm best management practices ... to reduce food safety hazards and the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Participants will ...

  8. GAPs Training Webinar

    GAPs. GAPs trainings provide growers with the knowledge and tools needed to implement on farm best management practices ... to reduce food safety hazards and the risk of on-farm produce contamination. Participants will ...

  9. Techno-economic analysis of biobased novolac resin production

    respectively, as representative of the existing small- and large-scale resin production facilities in the U.S. ...

  10. Introverted Leadership online

    article, “Why Introverts Make some of the Best Leaders.” She shares that research shows, introverted ... how can an introvert successfully cultivate these traits? Learn, from research-based information, that ...
