
Search results

  1. 2013 Diversity Leadership Symposium: Enriching our Cultural Competencies

    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4‐H Center Cost: FREE to students, $45 registration fee for faculty and ...

  2. Chadwick Arboretum & Learning Gardens Spring Plant Sale

    (Horticulture and Floriculture Honor Society). And this year, Swainway Urban Farms was hired to grow heirloom ...

  3. TechColumbus and Ohio State announce Technology Concept Fund

    alternative energy, information technology and life sciences. “The researchers at Ohio State are discovering ...

  4. Environment and Natural Resources

    Research China May 2014 Travel to southern China to perform research with Dr. Roger Williams. Sustaining ...

  5. How climate change has cost U.S. soybean growers $11 billion, and what can be done about it

    Researchers have determined that precipitation and temperature variations over the past 20 years ...

  6. Building Independence through Agriculture for People with Developmental Disabilities Workshop

    National Easter Seals • Steve Muller, The Homestead, Altoona IA • Panel discussion with local farm managers ...

  7. Graduate/Professional Student Recruitment Initiative

    (250 words or less) indicating your research and/or professional interests and why you want to pursue ...

  8. How to grow grass even greener

    Facing Bees: OSU Research and What Can Be Done to Improve the Situation.” To contact the sources: Joe ...

  9. 2 new ways to avoid latex allergies

    many gloves are now made,” said Katrina Cornish, Ohio Research Scholar and endowed chair in bioemergent ...

  10. Three ways to learn about Lake Erie science while on vacation

    lake, ongoing research, and how we can become better stewards."—Melinda Huntley, Ohio Sea Grant ... island. Guests also can learn about current Lake Erie research conducted at the lab, which helps increase ... economy. They also are a fun way to learn about the lake, ongoing research, and how we can become better ...
