
Search results

  1. CFAES welcomes Chris Delisio as chief advancement officer

    Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute. During his tenure at the James, Chris raised funds for ...

  2. Dairy Cow Bedding Management

    counts or mastitis as compared to other small grain straws.  I found nothing in any research or ...

  3. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    think about the long-term future of OSU Extension. See Descriptors for Trend Research for more ... background and a list of 17 trends or issues identified. These descriptors will be studied and research ...

  4. 169 Companies Recruit Buckeyes at the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences’ Three Career Expos

    Coordinator, Trish Raridan-Preston (  Students can also research companies and jobs ...

  5. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

    risk management.             The fall cutting and rest period considerations developed from research ...

  6. Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'

    staff, work with grants, work on applied research areas, and perform and document impact evaluations. The ...

  7. 2016 Wayne County 4-H Required Advisor & Volunteer Training Events

    All Sessions to be held at OARDC Fisher Auditorium 1680 Madison Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691 All 2016 ...

  8. Take a Journey in the Outdoors

    and it’s free! ·       For those in the farming community, being in the fields can be long hours.  ...

  9. Grain Bin Preparation

    pests present in or around farm storage bins or in grain handling equipment.  An effective sanitation ...

  10. Ag Ed Society Meeting

