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  1. Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania

    Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania Please see the Summer ...

  2. Mindful Time Management

    reading a book?  Also remember that some research indicated that prolonged usage of Facebook can ...

  3. Frost Seeding with a Drill

    to count on those freeze/thaw cycles.  Wayne Shriver, OSU Eastern Agricultural Research Station ... Eastern Agricultural Research Station at Caldwell we manage our pastures in an effort to keep them ...

  4. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    The Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) received an additional $4 million in early ... international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  5. Corn Stalks Offer A Low Cost Feed Option

    2000 National Research Council’s (NRC) Nutrient Requirement of beef cattle, mature cattle in ...

  6. Late Summer Forage Seeding

    successfully established with later planting dates, however, planting date research in Pennsylvania in the ...

  7. CFAES Graduate Students Expand Their Horizons in Tanzania

    Sciences traveled to Morogoro, Tanzania to conduct research with faculty and staff at the Sokoine ... International Programs in Agriculture Office (IPA) through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative ... to participate, first-hand, in agricultural research in developing countries. The IPA office is also ...

  8. Shopping and Our Spending Habits

    assimilate this behavior as normal. Current research suggests that repeatedly using shopping to offset ...

  9. ESGP Ph.D. Student Selected to Attend Global Food Security Symposium

    research universities who plan to enter the agriculture, development, or food sectors. It will allow him to ... Healthcare Research Manager, IBM.   Nall expects this event to be a valuable networking opportunity and yield ... contributing what I have learned to my own graduate research I am doing right here at Ohio State,” shares Nall, ...

  10. 2015 SCEP Fellowship Program on Small Farm Management and Support

    levels to support small family farms. Please follow the SCEP program activities at Ohio State on Twitter ...
