
Search results

  1. Dr. Bruce Harte to give Harris Award Lecture

    on-line MS in Packaging and broadly increased its research capabilities and outreach activities.  Dr. ... Harte was also associate Director of the School’s Center for Food and Pharmaceutical Packaging Research ... executive board member of the International Association of Packaging Research Institutes from 1993 – 2003.  ...

  2. Spring Garden Walk at Franklinton Farms

    Join us for an informational garden walk to discuss common vegetable problems and ways to increase production at your backyard or community garden. Bring your friends and questions to this free event. Please click here to view the informational flyer.   ...

  3. Ohio Pest Management Association award goes to Susan Jones

    and research programs on the biology and control of termites, bed bugs, and other household and ... works to promote education and ethics for the pest control industry and to foster research and the ...

  4. Explore Ag: A Camp Like No Other

    ExploreAg introduces students to the various careers in science, engineering and technology in the food and fiber industry and engages them in actively pursuing career paths that can help them become a part of the sustainable future of agriculture. Explor ...

  5. CFAES team strives to improve Tanzania ag technical institutes

    Research Initiative (iAGRI), seeks to improve the overall quality of training for agricultural extension ... ongoing  Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative  (iAGRI), a major  Feed the Future  project funded by ...

  6. Agricultural Outlook Meeting

    rent, land values, the markets, and the Farm Program. Find more information on the specific topics in ...

  7. Ohio Occupational Therapy Association Conference

    Sciences: Health and Safety Coordinator. Farming ranks as one of Ohio’s most dangerous occupations, and ... are facing those obstacles on the farm. The program works with a wide array of disabling conditions ...

  8. Endeavor Center wins Ohio State’s top outreach honor

    while the International Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) project won the Emerging International ... Engagement Award: International Agricultural Research Initiative The International Agricultural Research ... research and outreach are critically needed inputs to increase agricultural productivity and decrease food ...

  9. Jimenez-Flores joins OSU as JT ‘Stubby’ Parker Endowed Chair

    Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. In addition to teaching and research, he will be reaching out ...

  10. Alumni Groups

    Environmental, and Development Economics Farm Science Review Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Food ...
