
Search results

  1. Grain C.A.R.T. Receives National Recognition

    program will be part of the Thursday luncheon at this year’s Farm Science Review. ...

  2. Canceled: West Ohio Precision Ag Field Day

    Due to the current climate conditions, late field work and other considerations in West Central Ohio, we have cancelled the July 16 field day. We hope that you will be able to participate in the future as we hope to host the field day in the summer of 202 ...

  3. Charge Station for Mobility Scooter/ Chair

    "New to the AgrAbility tent, this year at the Farm Science Review, will be a mobility ...

  4. Tri-State Diversity Converence

    research, and academic programs; private and public university representatives; K-12 educators; community ... to attend.   Conference Objectives: Showcase best practices, curriculum models, research, outreach ... To identify research needs and questions related to culturally diverse practices. To network and link ...

  5. Lawn Mowing Safety

    article: "Lawn mower injuries send 13 children to the emergency department every day: Researchers ...

  6. Marvin Olinsky(Retired CEO, Five Rivers MetroParks) inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    4-H and the lifelong impact it can make on a child. As CEO, he dreamed of developing a facility with ...

  7. Cuyahoga County HERO Camp Join naturalists in discovering what this venue has to offer: farm animals, nature hikes, geology ...

  8. Richland County Hero Camp (Ohio Military Kids)

    Join naturalists in discovering what this venue has to offer: farm animals, nature hikes, geology ...

  9. Reducing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    prices, year end financial planning, planning for next years crop and the upcoming cold weather. Farming ... valuable tool on your farm?” and I generally heard the response, “The big tractor, planter, or combine.” On ...

  10. 4-H Science Saturday-Does my plant have a flu?

    at this month's 4-H Science Saturday on May 4 at the Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H ...
