
Search results

  1. CD Wire- January 28, 2014

    e-Learning modules (10% increase annually) Align applied research with Discovery Themes Increase creative and ... changed from three regions to five regions, with two EERAs (Extension Education and Research Areas) in ... a video link to 123 Williams Hall in Wooster. Read more about each lecture and view recordings of previous ...

  2. Silage Pile Management And Safety

    number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms.  Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling.  If a person is located below ...

  3. Explore the New Food Safety Regulations for Local Producers

    County Farm Bureau and Fairfield County OSU Extension are partnering for this event so please join us on ... Guillozet, Franklin County Health Department Please RSVP to the Fairfield County Farm Bureau at ...

  4. Silage Pile Feeding Management and Safety

    number of bunker silos and silage piles that are on area farms.  Feeding out that stored silage requires ... farm workers, family, and visitors safe around the bunker. The key point to remember is that air is the ... on farms, those avalanches involve multiple tons of silage falling.  If a person is located below ...

  5. Local Food Farm Tour: R & R Farm Produce

    See first hand how and where your food is grown. Enjoy a tour of R & R Farm Produce hosted by ... cantaloupe, sweet corn and more and market them directly from the farm! Join us for an evening exploring one ... R Farm Produce by visiting their website: ...

  6. Food Label Lingo

    contain a slew of additional information that highlights anything from farm practices, to health benefits, ...

  7. Marestail: Roundup Won't Kill It!

    Marestail... if you frequent farm stores you've heard people talking about how hard it is to ... and it's seemingly everywhere again this year. Marestail has been plaguing farm fields and ... fact, is the reason it can be found most anywhere - from city landscape to farm fields; growing in ...

  8. Spring Cleaning

    research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis. For more information, ...

  9. Grain Harvest Considerations

    yield losses that can accompany delayed harvest? According to researchers at Iowa State University, it ... drying systems have an electricity expense as well.  Iowa State University researchers use a figure of ...

  10. CD Weekly Wire- July 9, 2012

    Science- Partner driven Research: Huron-Erie Corridor, Asian Carp, and Harmful Algal Blooms," ... lectures, research presentations, start times, and to view previous lectures/research presentations, visit ... Communiqué is now available at ...
