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  1. Herbicide Rotation Key in the War Against Weeds

    of your farming career a lot less fun and a lot more expensive,” said Mark Loux, a weed specialist ... were fed contaminated cottonseed products from the South, as well as through farm equipment previously ...

  2. Contact Us

        Have questions? Your local OSU Extension office has resources to answer farm, garden, home, ...

  3. Department of Horticulture and Crop Science Welcomes Fulbright Scholar from Uganda

    departmental activities related to agricultural teaching and research. “With Dr. Sabiiti being here as ... joint research. “Dr. Sabiiti plans to develop two undergraduate courses in forage agronomy that he’ll ... 30 years now mostly in the areas of collaborative agricultural research in East Africa. Dr. Sabiiti ...

  4. The Ohio Youth Institute

    high school students have the opportunity to: Present research and recommendations on how to solve key ... research and issues in international development and life sciences Meet innovative researchers, professors ...

  5. Farm Days at COSI

    On August 15th-19th, COSI will present the 8th annual Farm Days event which is expected to draw an ... estimated 15,000 people. Farm Days aims to increase visitors’ knowledge of agriculture through fun,hands-on ... activities and the chance to see (and sit in) real tractors, combines, and other farm equipment. Our current ...

  6. NOAA, Partners Predict Significant Summer Harmful Algal Bloom for Western Lake Erie

    COLUMBUS, Ohio — The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and its research partners ... bloom of this size is evidence that the research and outreach efforts currently underway to reduce ... Education’s Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative, or HABRI. Ohio Sea Grant released the report two days ...

  7. Pork Producers and Dairy Farmers Watchful of the Trade Conflict

    them, said Ben Brown, manager of the farm management program in CFAES. With lower prices for corn and ...

  8. Association for International Agriculture and Rural Development Conference

    research, meaningful collaborations, and identifying and overcoming barriers to establishing local ...

  9. A Day in the Woods- Improving Habitat for Game Species

    Tree Farm Committee, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Hocking College, Ohio Bird Conservation initiative ...

  10. 2017 Heart of Ohio Tour

    management. Visit local farms and learn about livestock handling and management of sheep and cattle. Leran how ...
