
Search results

  1. Dr. Devin Peterson

    highest profile awards offered by his profession. His research efforts focus on characterizing chemical ... inspired fundamental research platform with an overarching goal to support the development of sustainable, ... nutritious, and healthy foods with higher product acceptability. He directs the Flavor Research and Education ...

  2. Shoshanah Inwood

    Avenue, Wooster, OH 44691 Curriculum Vitae Shoshanah Inwood is a rural sociologist and an ... agriculture system. Her integrated research and extension program centers on: 1) Health and well-being in the ... food and agriculture sector, 2) Social factors affecting farm growth, 3) Community and economic ...

  3. Norovirus: A Different Type of Foodborne Illness

    centers, aging facilities, healthcare settings, and cruise ships are all places where norovirus is known to ...

  4. Potassium Uptake and Ohio Crop Response

    period were primarily on-farm trials conducted in 37 counties. Figure 2 shows the classes of soil texture ... Ag Crops and Livestock Food potassium yield fertilizer ohio crop response crops production ...

  5. Dr. Christopher Simons

    [Dental School] at the Universite Paris 7. From 2004 through 2012 Chris led the Sensory Research function ... the Ohio State University in 2013. Dr. Simons’s research interests use a multidisciplinary approach to ... behavior. One outcome of this research is to identify the neural and physiological correlates associated with ...

  6. SENR to host global education sessions

    an Australian family on a local farm in the Australian countryside," Chandna said. Students then ...

  7. Freshwater Science: Fish Farming, Food Systems, and Recreation Aquaculture in Ohio

    aquaculture is farming in water. Nicole Wright, Ohio Sea Grant Aquaculture Extension Specialist, will share ... what aquaculture in Ohio looks like, the reasons why fish are farmed, and the challenges and ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    weather surveillance radar as a research tool to get unprecedented observations of birds migrating at ... night. I will highlight three aspects of my recent research using radar to quantify how nocturnally ... University of Southern Mississippi. He established his research lab, the Aeroecology Program, at the ...

  9. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza

    Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ohio State University Extension, Wooster The flu is a contagious ... farm resulting in significant mortality prior to the remaining flock being euthanized (McCarthy 2021). ... barns and the number of trips those individuals make. Reduce the appeal of your farm for wild birds. ...

  10. Elderberry Production in Ohio Ag Crops and Livestock Business and Land Ownership Farm Management Food Home, Yard and Garden ... Extension, The Ohio State University M. Ryan Slaughter, Research Assistant II, CFAES South Centers, The Ohio ... research demonstrates that fully ripened, fresh, and processed American elderberry products are safe to ...
