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4-H Fundamentals
Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center Open to anyone with a 4-H appointment regardless of current experience. No ...
Secure Milk Supply: Ohio’s Role
manure. It can be spread quickly between animals or indirectly on workers clothing, footwear, farm ... In other words, should a dairy farm premises become infected with HMD, a control area of about 25 ... square miles, or more, would be set up around the farm. Other dairy farms within that control area that ...
Water Usage on Dairy Farms
farms for animal health and performance and for protecting the environment. About 80% of the water ... technology and the quantity of water used on a dairy farm. One of the first approaches to dealing with water ... most dairy farms by placing a meter in the water line (see related article in this issue of Buckeye ...
Support the Ohio 4-H Foundation
Farm Bureau 4-H center on the campus of The Ohio State University. Jim and Gerry Graham ... efficiency, occupant comfort and well-being, and community sensitivity. This state-of-the-art facility ... , completed in 2008, serves as the home of Ohio 4-H, the headquarters for cutting-edge research in youth ...
Free-stall Stocking Density Affects Productivity
economics; the fixed cost of the building and production facilities is allocated over a greater number of ... of Tennessee and Rick Grant of the William H. Miner Agricultural Research Institute in New York ... summarized the findings of a range of studies and research that looked at the effect of freestall stocking ...
A Few Tactical Changes to Improve Your Bottom-Line
net farm income. So, what are some of the things that you can do to improve your bottom line during ... 3X. Milking facilities are used more efficiently when a parlor is fully used on a 2X schedule. 4. ...
Environmental Rules for Animal Agriculture- Who Are You Going to Call?
let's review the primary agencies that can help us with environmental compliance on livestock farms ... and monitors point source discharge from animal facilities, (614) 387-0470, ...
Staying Connected with the OSU Dairy Working Group
check, and farm transition. We also share national Extension dairy education programs on our Facebook ...
Easily Collect and Manage Calving Records in Real-Time
designed to benefit herd-specific calving management programs by helping farms keep more accurate and ... calving events and losses (magnitude and time) at the farm level while accounting for the effect of ... (animals, feed/water, facilities, environment, and personnel). Considering the diversity of production ...
Compost Bedded Pack Dairy Barns in Ohio
system. Four Ohio dairy farms using a compost bedded pack system were studied by OSU researchers to assess ... high costs associated with transport of manure that is up to 90% water. For dairy farms to remain ... preliminary research to analyze the design and management recommendations; document current practices; and ...