
Search results

  1. Grain C.A.R.T. Training Program

    local, state and national sponsors. The in-service will be held in conjunction with Farm Science Review ...

  2. Ohio’s newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    committee to raise $16.5 million to fund construction of Ohio State’s Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H ...

  3. Ag Council Breakfast

    Program is 'Hardin County Agriculture Financial Impact' ...

  4. About Us

    extension programming and agricultural safety and health research. Meet the faculty and staff of the ...

  5. Local Food Farm Tour: Rockside Vineyard

    harvests the grapes and begins the winemaking process. Twelve varieties of grapes are grown on the farm and ...

  6. Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day

    8 AM- Breakfast and Visitor Exhibits 9 AM- Welcome and Logistics 9:10 AM- Nutrient Placement Conversation and Demo 11:15 AM- Additional demonstrations 12:00 PM- Lunch – Speakers: Dr. Scott Shearer, OSU and Tom Menke, Menke Consulting, Inc. 12:55 PM- Evalu ...

  7. Managing Your Aches and Pains in the Winter

    joint symptoms… researchers have been unable to figure out just what matters most about the weather and ...

  8. Twi-light Field Crops Program

    740-652-7260. Bring your lawn chair... we'll be in Cupp's farm shop after we watch the Precision Drone ...

  9. The Veterinary Feed Directive; What's it Mean for You?

    farm operation. This veterinarian is referred to as your Veterinarian of Record (VoR), and both the VoR ...

  10. Ag Council Breakfast

    Program is 'Soil Temperatures & Growing Degree Days'  ...
