
Search results

  1. What you should know about OARDC SEEDS, the OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program

    SEEDS: The OARDC Research Enhancement Competitive Grants Program, is unique among U.S. state-assisted ... universities. In fostering high-quality research among scientists supported by OARDC and CFAES, SEEDS enables ... programs, and it provides them with leverage to attract industry support. With eight outlying research ...

  2. Ohio AgrAbility Adds Two New Staff Members to the Project.

    Bauer is the new education coordinator.  Andy comes to us with a farm background and 29 years ... resources, conducting presentations to farmers and agricultural groups, as well as providing on-site farm ...

  3. Focus on Flavor

    These are the types of questions being tackled by the  Flavor Research and Education Center, newly ... Environmental Sciences. The center focuses on research geared to find commercially viable ways of making ...

  4. Ohio State, Smucker's come together over coffee

     have partnered to conduct innovative research on one of the world's favorite beverages: coffee. ... Knowledge Transfer Office  (TCO) recently teamed up to create a sponsored research project with the ... a research need that involves expertise housed in the university's  Center for Applied Plant Sciences ...

  5. Dec. 18 Open Doors training: How to recognize, identify, end bias

    Dec. 18 in the Fisher Auditorium conference room at OARDC, 1680 Madison Ave., Wooster. The training is ...

  6. June 2015 Newsletter

    strengthening lives and communities through research-based educational programming. OSU Extension is proud of ... County, All rights reserved. CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  7. FST student conducts research in Nicaragua

    project from OSU International Affairs Research Grant for Faculty. The project title is ‘Zoonotic ...

  8. Computational Biology Faculty in Food and Nutritional Metabolomics

    developing and establishing an independent, collaborative program in food and nutrition related research is ... key. The successful candidate will interface with a collaborative group of researchers focused on: food ... Successful applicants will be expected to develop or maintain an externally funded research program in ...

  9. "I'm not as YOUNG as I used to be" Workshop- Noble Co.

    AgrAbility will be conducting “I’m not as young as I used to be!” farming and gardening workshops throughout ... assistive technology used for farms and gardening, and tricks of the trade for aging limitations. For more ...

  10. 2015 Outstanding Senior Awards Recipients

    favorite memory was the time spent working in the lab for undergraduate research. It was great to spend my ...
