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  1. August 2017 Highlights

    faculty from across the university, and graduate students presenting their latest research. Everyone is ... about food safety practical tips. Click here for the article. Dr. Dennis Heldman’s research on shelf ... Giusti hosted a team of scientists from the Philippine Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI), the ...

  2. Deanna Langenkamp

    on a farm and have 5 younger siblings. I chose to become a peer mentor because I want to have ...

  3. Ecological Weed Management

    Ecological Weed Management Past Projects People Research ...

  4. Farming For Justice- Unpacking Race and Disability Injustices on the Land

    Everyone, regardless of their race or ability, should have access to natural spaces that are safe and affirming. However, racism and ableism impacts people’s ability to connect with the land in various ways. It is critical that we use an intersectional le ...


    (Areas include: Elevator pitch, Impromptu Speaking, Essay writing, Presenting Research, Debate, Poster ...

  6. July 2016 Highlights

    Technology Building. Farnaz Maleky’s research was recently featured in an article in Popular Science about ... undergraduate research competition John Frelka received the IFTSA Excellence in Leadership Award Denny Heldman ...

  7. OSU Students Travel to Tampa Bay Aquatic Preserves

    FL.  This partnership with DEP enabled the Florida facilities to re-open to the public after being ...

  8. Careers in Sustainability Webinar: Land O'Lakes

    online or come watch with a group of students in room 105 Ag Admin Bldg. Join in on a conversation from ...

  9. Careers in Sustainability Webinar: One Acre Fund

    online or come watch with a group of students in room 105 Ag Admin Bldg. Join in on a conversation from ...

  10. Livestock and Meats Judging Teams Recognition and Fundraising Banquet

     On the following Saturday, (20th), Little I will be held at the Don Scott (Sawmill Rd) facilities ...
