
Search results

  1. Sizing Food Safety Regulations to Fit the Farm

    February 16, 2012 article on Food Safety News discusses, "what exactly is a small farm ...

  2. Plowboy Prom 2014

    friends!   The event will be at the Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center on March 8 from 6:00-10:00 ...

  3. Southwestern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    are available on fruit and vegetable production, specialty cropping systems, pesticide safety, farm ...

  4. 2015 Forage Management Tour

    hold a forage and grazing school on Friday, July 10th. This will include a tour of farms and lunch by ...

  5. Research Classes

    Our college offers many classes that will prepare you for research projects. There are also many ... conduct your research project in collaboration with your faculty research advisor. Research Classes   ...

  6. Steven Neal named assistant dean for CFAES

    based in Wooster, since 2003, where he supervised master scheduling, registration, financial aid and ...

  7. GAPS Training- LICKING County

    GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (GAPS) Program Learn about food safety on the produce farm.  How to ... from water, soil, humans, handling, and how to create a cheap traceability system for your farm and ...

  8. GAPS Training- PORTAGE county

    GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (GAPS) Program Learn about food safety on the produce farm.  How to ... from water, soil, humans, handling, and how to create a cheap traceability system for your farm and ...

  9. GAPS Training- MUSKINGUM County

      GOOD AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES (GAPS) Program Learn about food safety on the produce farm.  How to ... from water, soil, humans, handling, and how to create a cheap traceability system for your farm and ...

  10. 2016 Participants

    Abbott Historic Soil Conservation at Malabar Farm, 1939-1972 Jim Metzger Tiffany Atkinson The ...
