
Search results

  1. October 2022 Department Highlights

    governments, and secure the nation’s food supply for the future. Healthline featured research published in the ... Campanella. The research found that the protein in meat alternatives made from wheat and soy may not be ... resource produced by Ohio State University Extension. Research on flavor volatiles from the lab of Dr. ...

  2. FST Special Edition Newsletter- 2021 Autumn Graduation

    and conducting research during a global pandemic, this fall semester offered a routine that was ...

  3. Ohio Department of Agriculture Greene County Farm Pesticide Disposal Collection Event

    but only farm chemicals will be accepted. Paint, antifreeze, solvents, and household or non-farm ...

  4. Dr. Jessica Cooperstone

    a Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Scientist. Through an interdisciplinary approach, she is interested in ...

  5. Future Undergraduates

    a multi-disciplinary field that applies fundamental scientific principles to the research, development, manufacture, ... degree. All three majors will offer you the opportunity for hands on experience in our facilities along ... research companies, such as Abbott Nutrition, Battelle, The J.M. Smucker Co., and Nestlé. Our graduates ...

  6. Research

    The Inter-disciplinary Winegrape Team formed of OSU researchers work together to solve the most ... your door so you can use the research-based information to better your business, organization, and ... community.  To learn more about our research projects, please contact OSU specialists listed under the ...

  7. David Brown receives CFAES Distinguished Alumni Award

    Technology. David’s career included work in quality assurance at Gerber Products as well as work in research ...

  8. Dr. Christopher Simons

    [Dental School] at the Universite Paris 7. From 2004 through 2012 Chris led the Sensory Research function ... the Ohio State University in 2013. Dr. Simons’s research interests use a multidisciplinary approach to ... behavior. One outcome of this research is to identify the neural and physiological correlates associated with ...

  9. New Winegrape Varieties in Ohio and GIS Technology

    This multi-state project is funded by the USDA, Speciality Crop Research Initiative Program ...

  10. Jessica Cooperstone- Food and Health

    the farm field to the health clinic, Dr. Cooperstone explains the necessity of a transdisciplinary ...
