
Search results

  1. Ohio State University Extension Addressing Nutrient Management Issues in the State

    into their programming. Research: Numerous scientists at Ohio State and elsewhere are actively ... conducting research to address nutrient management issues. University researchers, field specialists, county ... educators, farmers, commodity groups and other stakeholders have forged partnerships to find research ...

  2. Please join the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences at the Ohio State Fair on Tuesday, August 2

    CFAES has a booth within the “Land and Living” exhibit presented by Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and ...

  3. Western Ohio Precision Ag Field Day


  4. Darke County Ag Breakfast


  5. CFAES faculty, staff win national, regional honors

    Department of Food Science and Technology, received IST’s 2015 Research and Development Award for his ... research program that enhances food safety and human health, particularly the development of methods to ...

  6. Animal Mortality Composting Certification Training

    farm enterprises. The Ohio Department of Agriculture’s chief of the Division of Animal Industry ...

  7. Past Meets Future

    sees the department focusing on: Engaging with other departments and partners for research, scholarship ... University of Missouri Graduate Profe ssional Council, Distinguished Teaching and Researcher Awards from the ...

  8. Hidden Gems of Secrest Tour- Wooster, Ohio

    Put on your walking shoes and join us for a guided adventure to the outer reaches of Secrest Arboretum.  Paul will introduce you to the far corners and hidden treasures most visitors overlook.  This is a tour you won't want to miss!  More information ...

  9. Ohio a hub for bacteria-killing, high-pressure food processing

    high-pressure-processing equipment companies in the world is based in Cincinnati; Ohio State has devoted a research team to ...

  10. Alum assumes role as Ohio State ATI director in April

    emerging e-learning instruction, research, service, engagement, marketing, student services and student ...
