
Search results

  1. Results of State 4-H and Collegiate Dairy Judging Teams

    Kentucky, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Wisconsin, over 3000 miles, and 40 plus host farms, 4-Hers ... farms!  Not only did they travel with the 4-Hers, but they also spent time together with the ATI dairy ...

  2. Corn Silage Harvest

    on a specific farm, then use of lactic acid bacteria may increase overall shrink and would not be ... recommended.  If spoilage has not been a problem on a specific farm, then use of lactic acid bacteria should be ...

  3. American Dairy Association and Dairy Council Mid East (materials available)

    dairy promotion organization, to implement advertising, promotion, education, and research programs ...

  4. MarketView...U.S. Dairy Outlook Brief May through July 2010

    74 cows, this represents 135 producer-farms exiting the industry as the financial screws tightened. ... Chart 2 shows the productivity on Ohio dairy farms.  During the 2008 through April 2010 period, milk per ... productivity on Ohio dairy farms actually increased from a low of 48 lb to 53 lb/day.  The latest run shows ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    expenses on a typical Ohio dairy farm!  Considering the lower anticipated Class III prices for at least the ... negative cost of ne-NDF (3.5 lb/cow/day). Table 2.  Prices of dairy nutrients for Ohio dairy farms, January ... of 27 feed commodities used on Ohio dairy farms, January 24, 2015. For convenience, Table ...

  6. Ohio Plant Biotechnology Consortium Annual Meeting

    First place, Graduate Student Poster, < 2 years research experience. Identification of Novel Avr ... Second place, Graduate Student Poster, 2-4 years research experience. Changes in threonine homoeostasis ...

  7. The MILC Program- Time to Act for the 2.4 Billion Pound Plus Producers

    Producers shipping more than the 2.4 million pound production cap should check with their local Farm ...

  8. Selecting Corn Hybrids for Silage

    farm). A multitude of factors influence profitability, but for hybrid selection, the list can be reduced ... Effect on milk production. To select the most profitable hybrid for your farm, you need to know how much ... hybrid on a farm, so pick a few hybrids from that list to plant (consider seed price). A note on ...

  9. You Input Is Vital: Dairy Farmers Needs Survey

    and OARDC Research Scientists working together to bring the latest information to Ohio’s dairy ...

  10. Joseph Tychonievich presents "It's Easy Being Green 2016"

    $25/Non-Members      $10/Students Location:    Nationwide and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center                      Bob ...
