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  1. Week of the Young Child Strengthening Families

    spend together and research that I’ve recently read emphasizes that spending quality time together is ...

  2. Liming Considerations

    calcium and magnesium is important. Soils should contain more calcium than magnesium. Extensive research ... research was completed in the early 1980s. For now, the focus should be selecting lime on its Effective ...

  3. Corn Silage Production

    research suggests that using an oxygen barrier film product before covering with a standard silage cover ...

  4. Winter Cereal Rye Cover Crop Termination

    field day, which is scheduled for June 12 at the OARDC Schaffter farm on Oil City Road.  Watch for more ...

  5. Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania

    Application DEADLINE: Graduate Student Research Opportunities in Tanzania Please see the Summer ...

  6. Vegetable Growers: Disease Alert

    going to stay isolated on one farm or field; it can move through the air and spread over a long ...

  7. Make Plans for Fall Weed Control

    Do not apply products or mixes containing 2,4-D POST to wheat in fall. Spring POST. In our research ...

  8. Just Breathe ...

  9. iAGRI Project Awarded $4 million in funding from USAID

    The Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI) received an additional $4 million in early ... international collaborative research between faculty at Ohio State, other U.S. land-grant university partners, ...

  10. CFAES Graduate Students Expand Their Horizons in Tanzania

    Sciences traveled to Morogoro, Tanzania to conduct research with faculty and staff at the Sokoine ... International Programs in Agriculture Office (IPA) through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative ... to participate, first-hand, in agricultural research in developing countries. The IPA office is also ...
