
Search results

  1. Hallie Stelzle

    undergrad, she worked as a research assistant in the OSU Socio-Environmental Networks and Sustainability ...

  2. OWS Friday Escape to the Forest webinar – American Sycamore Sap and Syrup: What We Know and What We Don’t Know

    will have a research update from Luke Taylor-Ide and Sarah Collins-Simmons of Future Generations ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series- The role of Science & Scientists in the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

    University Moritz College of Law. Her PhD research is at the intersection of disaster law, social justice, ...

  4. Kevin Wyatt

    Website Microbial & Ecosystem Ecology Lab ( Research Interests My research integrates ... conduct both basic and applied research on a wide range of environmental issues involving streams, lakes ... and wetlands. Current research in my lab explores interactions between primary producers (algae, ...

  5. Allison Rober I am an aquatic microbial ecologist and my research spans genes to ecosystems. In my lab, we ... significant consequences for water quality and ecosystem function. Most of my research is conducted in ...

  6. Kerry Ard 614-292-4593 473D Kottman Hall, 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210 Curriculum Vitae Research ... Interests Dr. Kerry Ard’s research investigates how social processes create and sustain environmental ... pollution is unequally distributed by race and class, and Dr. Ard advocates for future research to focus on ...

  7. Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Ambassadors

    Monitoring and researching large carnivores in urban environments, like mountain lions and their impact on ... interactions! Internship/ Research Experience: Internship at the OSU Wetlands for SU24 where I collected site ... research and monitoring data, and research in Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology where I did ...

  8. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics ...

  9. Farm Science Review

      Farm Science Review at the Gwynne Conservation Area Schedule ...

  10. Personalized Virtual and In-Person Visits

    in-person on campus. Meetings can cover topics such as majors in SENR, financial aid, honors and research ...
