
Search results

  1. Awakening Coffee food truck on campus TODAY

    Awakening Coffee will be on the Wooster campus TODAY, from 8am to noon. Please note that this ... try on June 12). Wooster Staff Council will next offer a free lunch at our annual FunFest, scheduled ...

  2. Secrest Garden Fair

    Rd., Wooster, Ohio. Activities for kids, a plant sale and local food trucks will add to the fun. There ...

  3. Lending a hand

    agriculture with Farm Credit Mid-America.  Growing up in Highland County, Ohio, Tara Durbin always knew she ...

  4. Volunteer at the Farm Science Review

    There are many opportunities to volunteer at the Farm Science Review. Everyday volunteers make ... a difference to improve all aspects of the Farm Science Review. Here is a list of volunteer opportunities at ... the Farm Science Review: Gwynne Conservation Area- The Gwynne Conservation Area is a 67-acre natural ...

  5. CFAES Alumni Awards

    and Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center, 2201 Fred Taylor Drive, Columbus, OH 43210-1156 Parking: Parking will ...

  6. ATI leads other regionals in Blood Battle

    Saved!  Reminder: All of the Blood/Plasma collected at CFAES Wooster Student Life Sponsored Blood Drives goes ... directly back to The OSU Wexner Medical Center and The James Cancer Hospital and Solove Research Institute. ...

  7. Mobile App and Digital Directory

    Utilize the Farm Science Review digital directory and mobile app to view the most up-to-date ...

  8. Rumble, Lawson receive grant

    a research skillset in agricultural communication undergraduate students, ...

  9. Ticks and mosquitoes are waiting on you

    Knowledge Exchange. “It provides up-to-date information on the newest research and data to assist Ohioans in ...

  10. Donation boxes for Buck-I-Eats Student Pantry

    Wooster Staff Council has created donation boxes and placed them in most buildings.  Please help ... us stock the Wooster Campus Buck-I-Eats Student Pantry!  The Buck-I-Eats Pantry is here to help ... Wooster campus undergraduate and graduate students who may lack access to affordable nutritious food and ...
