
Search results

  1. How COVID19 Affects the Safety of Your Fresh Produce

    Pathologist and Fresh Produce Safety Specialist The Ohio State University-Wooster Campus 1680 Madison Avenue, ... Wooster OH 44691 Office: 330-263-3849  Mobile: 330-465-0309 ...

  2. Farm Bill Resources and Education

    This training will address changes in the Farm Bill programs! For complete details, please click ...

  3. USDA Harmonized GAP Handbook Now Available

    Ensuring on-farm food safety is a priority for fruit and vegetable producers in the US.  More and ... more produce buyers are requiring growers to demonstrate that they are trained in on-farm food safety ... Content for the handbook was prioritized based on results of a survey of over 100 farm operators who ...

  4. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  5. Hops Field Night

    Hops Field Night Wooster Flyer ...

  6. Leadership During COVID-19

    qualified experts are dedicated to providing leadership-based education and research to all. More than ever, ...

  7. PSA (Produce Safety Alliance) Grower Training Course Wooster, OH

    II: Postharvest Water) Postharvest Handling and Sanitation How to Develop a Farm Food Safety Plan The ... § 112.22(c) that requires ‘ At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully ...

  8. General Food & Produce Safety Resources

    Steps for Cleaning and Sanitizing Infographic Best Practices for Farm Stands and U-Pick Operations ...

  9. FIRST RUN FRIDAYS Introverted Leadership online SOLD OUT

    article, “Why Introverts Make some of the Best Leaders.” She shares that research shows, introverted ... how can an introvert successfully cultivate these traits? Learn, from research-based information, that ...

  10. (CLASS IS FULL) PSA Grower Training Course Wooster, OH

    II: Postharvest Water) Postharvest Handling and Sanitation How to Develop a Farm Food Safety Plan The ... § 112.22(c) that requires ‘ At least one supervisor or responsible party for your farm must have successfully ...
