
Search results

  1. Irene Gentzel

    Irene Gentzel Postdoctoral Researcher (Wang) Selby Hall (Wooster)- Any- Journal ...

  2. Ingrid Richards Adams

    School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Medical Dietetics, College of Medicine Research Interest ... and Expertise: Translational research (Dissemination and Implementation studies) Development and ... nutrition Critical thinking model of behavior change Research Interest and Expertise Examination of diet ...

  3. Letting a partnership bloom


  4. Healthy eating at the Fair: CFAES nutritionist offers suggestions

    local foods and farming exhibits, which sometimes offer complimentary apples or other produce. If you ...

  5. CFAES Multi-State Travel Funds Proces

    In support of the federal multistate research, the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station (OAES) has ... allocated funds to support travel for OSU faculty with OAES research appointments to participate in ... multistate research committee meetings as an official committee member [as documented with an Appendix E for ...

  6. Isaac Knowles

    Isaac Knowles Research Assistant 1-B/H, Greenhouse Kottman Hall Greenhouse ...

  7. Dean's Updates

    October October 27: Dean's Update and Facilities Update October 12: Dean's Update October 4: ... 6: September Master Plan and Facilities Updates August August 26: Dean's Update May May 20: Dean's ... Dean's Update July 14: Farm Science Review to be Held Virtually;  July 14: ATTACHMENT-Farm Science Review ...

  8. Dana Martin

    Dana Martin Research Associate 1-B/H-NE (Hand) Kottman Hall (Columbus) BS ...

  9. CFAES soil science experts advancing Ohio’s farm taxation through CAUV

    relevance to Ohio’s farming landscape. This research-led approach by CFAES not only promotes fair taxation ... formula that includes net farm income data from the past five to seven years, focusing on Ohio’s primary ... crops, ensuring that the CAUV remains fair and consistent,” he said. A committee of CFAES researchers ...

  10. ACEL faculty and graduate students attend, recognized at NACTA conference

    of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture (NACTA) Conference held in Wooster, Ohio. ... Throughout the week, our faculty and graduate students presented their research through oral and poster ...
