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Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award
assigned work location; they must document long term strengths in teaching and research; exhibit ...
Joseph Lucente
County, he is responsible for research, education, and technology transfer of information concerning Lake ...
Jacqueline Wilkins, Ph.D.
practice informs research and discovery informs application. Until recently returning full-time to her ... agencies, philanthropic entities, and for-profit businesses. Her research interests include prevention ... has received more than $12 million in local, state, and federal funding to conduct research and ...
The Introverted Leader
article, “Why Introverts Make some of the Best Leaders.” She shares that research shows, introverted ... an introvert successfully cultivate these traits? Learn, from research-based information, that in ...
Thomas Blaine, PhD
at the undergraduate and graduate levels in research methods. These courses combined materials ... a natural resource/environmental economist, he conducts research and develops educational materials that ...
Participant Profiles
of Ohio. Bridgewater Dairy Farms group manage 7000 dairy cows on two facilities, farming 5500 acres ... items, and related farm facilities. An accounting office that manages financial statements, loan ... a farmer in Perrysburg, Ohio where he resides with his wife and 3 boys, he farms 2000 acres along with ...
Holmes Wage & Benefit Survey Project
the survey, an increase of 78% from the last wage and benefit survey conducted in 2020. Researchers ... County since 2017. Similar to previous surveys, the researchers were pleased with the increase in the ... researchers believe that the increased participation in the recent survey was due, in large part, to ...
Agricultural Water
developed standards for agricultural water used on farms, which are published in the Produce Safety Rule. ... For farms subject to the Produce Safety Rule, compliance dates for most provisions began January 26, ... 2018, depending on the farm’s business size. However, grower concerns about the complexity and ...
GAPs Audit Process
entire farm audited or specific fields (crops) audited. The cost of an on-farm audit depends on the size ... of the farm and the proximity of the farm to the inspector. The cost included the auditor's ... the farm). USDA Harmonized GAPs Audit Program In 2018, the USDA and FDA aligned USDA’s voluntary ...
Gregory Davis, Ph.D.
Gregory Davis, Ph.D. George and Genevieve B. Gist Endowed Chair in OSU Extension Ag Administration ...